Sunday, May 08, 2005

Perhaps It's The Potpourri

Amidst my adventuring this weekend, the one thing to note, the one thing that I have really learned, is that all of the women's restrooms that I have visited at various churches smell the same. Many of them look similar also, but the smell is definitely distinct.

While we attended our old church, being under the age of ten, I spent a lot of time in the bathroom, so I am very familiar with how that one smelled. It wasn't until I started visiting my friends' churches that I began to notice the similarities. This weekend, I attended a play at my best friend's church, and not to my surprise, the women's room had that same smell.

It isn't a bad smell at all. It's really rather floral, I think.

Anyway, as I sat in the little pinkish-colored stall before the play at said church, I began to ponder (and compose a show-stopping, Broadway number about) the smell.

Since I am untrained in the art of pinpointing the origin of smells, I decided that an effective method of determining the cause would be to note the other similarities of the bathrooms.

Nearly all of the church bathrooms I can remember have similar pink-ish colored stalls. Given that the color does vary from rose to mauve or maroon, the walls are always very alike. And the floor tiles always seem to be a color close to that. More obvious similarities are things like the toilet, the sink, the tissue, etc., but those are all things that most bathrooms have and are not exclusive to church women's bathrooms.

However, none of these things are known to give off a pleasant, floral aroma.

After I had spent longer than necessary inside the stall considering this dilemma, I emerged and proceeded, as is generally accepted, to wash my hands, and there on the counter beside the sink sat the obvious solution: a small basket of potpourri.

As my memory raced and confirmed that I could remember seeing potpourri in many of the other bathrooms I had visited, my heart sank a little bit. How anti-climactic, how disappointing it was to find that the answer to my theological ponderings was something so common and simple.

I shared my findings with no one...
Until now...


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