Monday, September 24, 2007

Sophomoric Musings

So far (and it is only the second day), living on campus as a second year is quite different than living on campus as a freshman. I'm not sure if I'd really say it is better, but I secretly might think so. I don't know if it's just because the housing is more like the way real people live, but that could be it. We now have a kitchen with an actual stove. I have more closet space than I know how to fill.

Also, it could be that I knew what to pack and what to expect this year, or it could be that we now have a rug in the bathroom.

There is something really comforting about stepping out of the shower onto a plush, green rug.

I wish there was more to say than this, but there isn't. I've got some nice room mates. We have a fish tank. My window has a nice view of the parking lot.


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