Gold Stars
As I was sitting in traffic on my commute (I'm a commuter!) home, I watched as some traffic-law-violator got pulled over by a motorcycle cop, and it occured to me as I considered this event that police officers should pull good drivers over in order to tell them what a good driver s/he is. Maybe they should carry reams of gold star stickers to hand out.
"Do you know why I pulled you over, ma'am?"
"No, Officer."
"Because that was one awesome merge you just completed."
"Why, thank you Officer."
"Here, have a gold star."
"No, I couldn't possibly..."
"I insist. There should be more drivers like you."
"Now, you're just flattering me, Officer."
"Officers of the Highway Patrol do not utilize flattery, ma'am."
Maybe if one collects enough gold stars, insurance companies will offer discounts.
When I proposed this idea to my father, he dashed my dreams by saying that it would be annoying. Since when is positive reinforcement annoying?
Perhaps I should acquire some books-on-tape so that I don't do so much pondering while stuck in traffic.
"Do you know why I pulled you over, ma'am?"
"No, Officer."
"Because that was one awesome merge you just completed."
"Why, thank you Officer."
"Here, have a gold star."
"No, I couldn't possibly..."
"I insist. There should be more drivers like you."
"Now, you're just flattering me, Officer."
"Officers of the Highway Patrol do not utilize flattery, ma'am."
Maybe if one collects enough gold stars, insurance companies will offer discounts.
When I proposed this idea to my father, he dashed my dreams by saying that it would be annoying. Since when is positive reinforcement annoying?
Perhaps I should acquire some books-on-tape so that I don't do so much pondering while stuck in traffic.