Tuesday, July 19, 2005

With Amazing Push-Button Shushing Action!

This probably will be my funniest post yet, and I can't take credit for it.

I was job hunting, and I came across an item that had been thought only to exist in my wildest dreams. Here it is. As I usually do when I come across such sought after items, I emailed the link to my dad (mostly because he appreciates stuff like that and partially as a hint for birthday/Christmas presents for me (shh, it's a secret)).

I want to know who came up with the idea for a librarian action figure so that I can name my first child in his or her honor.

Anyway, in response to my email, my dad sent me a list of other under-appreciated vocations (and he used the word "inane" though I don't know how that would apply to librarians) that ought to have action figures. The entire thing was far too blog-worthy to ignore, so I thought I would share. Here is my dad's list verbatim:

Leaf-Blower Guy
Bagboy/Baggirl (baggers at the market, not street people)
Street People
Librarian's Assistant!
City Councilperson
Starbuck's Clerk
Kiosk Person (lots of accessories here)
Standing-On-The-Corner-Waving-A-Sign Guy (which he added after (supposedly) going back to work)

I nominate:
Wine Connoisseur
Pay-To-Park Guy
Bank Teller
Analyst Writer (in honor of Dad)

And the possibilities are endless...

(What's even more funny is that I've posted this when, in all likelihood, the only person who will read this is, in fact, my father.)

Monday, July 04, 2005

The Whale

Today, I noticed a mark on the bathroom door that had been left by Scotch tape long removed, and I suddenly remembered The Whale. Sometime in preschool which I assume was age three or four, we drew on dark-colored construction paper using Ivory soap as a crayon. I drew a whale, and if I remember accurately, it was a pretty good whale. I taped it to the bathroom door because it was drawn with soap, and soap suits the bathroom.

Suddenly, I want to draw with soap, so tomorrow, when I am through applying for college and applying for employment, I think I'm going to make a new whale.

And maybe a penguin. Soap is the perfect medium with which to make Antarctic landscapes.

NOTE: I need to apologize or recant or something like that because I recently viewed the film "When Harry Met Sally," and Meg Ryan's nose definitely does some running in that movie. I take back what I said earlier.