Monday, June 06, 2005


I got an ice cream cone with my best friend this evening. (Well, it was really two ice cream cones between the two of us, but I only had one...)

I asked Amy to hold mine while I returned my wallet to my purse, and as she held it, she walked backwards and, looking over my shoulder, informed me that there was interest. Of course, she just meant that she was taking out interest on my trusting her with my ice cream by taking licks of my strawberry bliss. But, being me, I thought she meant my love interest and quickly turned around to see if he was really behind me.

I was confused for a moment but quickly figured it out when I caught her taking chunks out of my single scoop.

After a moment's thought, I queried why we don't collect love interest while we wait for love. We've invested in something, so we should get something while we wait for him to get a clue, right? I think so.

P.S. I made $0.02 interest this month from my savings account. I'm proud of myself.


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